Thursday, July 14

Eating Adventures in Los Angeles, California

California Dreams - I haven't been back to the L.A. area since I was 10 (Does that even count? I followed my parents everywhere and I'm sure all I ate was Chinese food). This time, as a "grown up", I had the chance to explore the diversity and new aged food lovers of LA. Los Angeles' food scene is not to be missed!

Dim Sum Truck! One of the many reasons why SoCal is awesome - food trucks. Tasty. Cheap. Fast

Ruen Pair (Rrrrruen Pair as my Thai friend says) - Thai restaurant - spicy and sour Tom Yum Goong :)

Fish Sandwich on the Santa Monica Pier - better than Micky D's Filet'O'Fish 

In-N-Out ~ The sole reason Californians may have Type 1 Diabetes on their tiny frames

Yamazaki Bakery - a Japanese staple and a favorite across Asia (has great melon pan and chocolate croissant)

Beard Papa's - known all over for their famous Creme Puffs...but I thought this humorous (Strawberry or Mango Ice Showers anyone?)